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With over 23 million craftspeople, the crafts sector is the second largest employer in India. There are almost 23 lakh artisans/weavers in Uttar Pradesh itself. Many communities in India depend on their craft skills as a source of income and livelihood. There is a need to enable Indian craftworkers and craft organisations to take advantage of economic opportunities in international and domestic markets and
also to break into the mainstream retail markets. It seeks to promote and protect Indian handicrafts by helping them become more competitive in such markets and by distinguishing authentic hand-made craft products from replicated machine made-ones. There is a need to increases consumer awareness of distinct handicraft traditions by promoting the purchase of quality, authentic handmade crafts, both nationally
and globally.



  • Propelled by loss of markets, declining skills and difficulty catering to new markets, a large number of artisans have also migrated in distress situations to urban centres in search of low, unskilled employment in industry. Craftsperson need assistance in developing their skills and enterprises in a manner that enables them to compete in new and emerging markets. The craft mark certification programme looks at plugging this critical gap.

  • At a broader level, within the market environment, compliance to international standards is emerging as a key determinant of the competitiveness of handicraft exports and the ability to access increased export opportunities. Global brands and buyers in key international markets increasingly require suppliers in developing countries (such as India) to adhere to fair labour practices, workplace standards and environmentally sustainable production. With the growing domestic market today which is also more conscious of ethically produced environmentally sustainable products, the importance of adherence to fair, ethical, social and environmental standards is becoming extremely important in enhancing businesses.

  • Current list of Institute and Organisation related to Handicrafts


Reasons to join the Association

  • Leadership Opportunities: At FIWA, we believe in active participation of one and all. We groom volunteers who believe in the mission of the association and are willing to spend the time to push it forward. We welcome our volunteers to share their stories and experiences - in a blog post, on a webinar, or at a conference breakout session. 

  • Training and Skilling: At FIWA, there is ample opportunity for formal training on topics related to the focus and mission. But training is also much more than getting a dozen people in a conference room for a few days. Training can be in form of an annual conference, listening to a webinar, or reading an eBook. And it can be speaking, delivering, or writing the above as well.

  • Mentoring: At FIWA, there are mentoring program that connects experienced practitioners with those relatively new to the industry. This may be a formal mentoring program with specific time commitments,
    or something less defined and more organic.

  • Opportunities for Thoughtful Leadership: In present scenario, there is immense scope for leadership that can give a specific direction to this community. At FIWA, we are nurturing volunteers who intend to lead in the endeavour to strengthen the artisan and weaver community.

  • Subject Matter Expertise: We are in regular need of subject matter experts to serve on committees and task forces responsible for developing training, standards, bodies of knowledge, etc. This offers a very unique opportunity for personal professional development and recognition and can provide some very rarefied networking

  • Career Planning: We can help practitioners to map out their career path: how to get better at what they do now, how to come up to speed on new developments, or what they need to know to progress in their chosen profession path.

  • Awards & RecognitionAt FIWA, we believe that talent thrives on recognition. We will be organizing timely events to recognise and honour the hard work exhibited by our volunteers and office bearers working towards the common cause of strengthening the community of artisan and weaver.

  • Global Market Linkage

  • Reviving the culture of preserving arts and tradition

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